APC Manufactures Antimicrobial ULPA Air Filter for Medical Industry

A global market leader and respected pioneer of advances in medical devices, pharmaceuticals, and medical supplies visited APC to examine our manufacturing and filter testing capabilities to develop an antimicrobial HEPA filter for its patient warmer devices used in hospitals.
They wanted raw material alternatives capable of killing microbes on contact, including Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), the leading cause of hospital staph infections.
APC determined an ULPA filter capable of 99.9995% @ 0.12 micron with a pressure drop of 0.75″ w.g. was required to operate at 113° F with a 100% positive seal.
APC engineers determined alternative raw material selections and performed 3D fluid dynamic simulations on several imaged designs to meet the client’s filter size, pressure drop and performance criteria. Prototype medical ULPA filters were created, tested and approved in 20 days.
To learn more about medical device filters, custom HEPA filters, or our other products and services, please contact APC Filtration, Inc.