Our story
Making History
As second generation family business, we have engaged with many diversified business sectors and industries over the last 40 + years. As a result of this history, our business model has evolved as well. Instead of being single industry focused, our network of clients are extremely diversified. A global crisis may force one industry sector down while others flourish. The broad range of industries we serve today has provided business stability and growth over each year.

FAA mandates HEPA Filters on Aircrafts
The Federal Aviation Administration already had fairly strict health and safety measures in place to protect passengers and cabin crew on U.S. aircrafts. Today, strict cabin air quality standards are in place for ventilation. Studies have shown cabin air as good as, or better than offices and homes.

Response to COVID-19
APC increases production of medical-grade ventilator filters and HEPA filters for Powered Air Purifying Respirators (PAPRs) in the fight against COVID-19.

BAE Systems Honors APC Filtration Inc. with Gold Tier Supplier Award
APC was presented the Gold Tier Award for the second consecutive year for BAE Systems’ Electronic Systems sector. This award honors suppliers for exceptional performance and contributions. Over 2,200 suppliers worked within this sector with APC providing 100% compliance in ISO product quality management, on time deliveries, critical filter design, engineering and manufacturing to ISO 9001:2015 standards.

HEPA Filters for Animal Caging Systems
APC works with global OEM’s to design custom air filters for animal caging systems and the caging industry. There are a variety of considerations to make when designing custom air filters and HEPA filters for animal caging systems, and APC has proudly stood up to the challenge for years.

Automated HEPA Filter Panel Testing
APC expanded its critical air filter testing capabilities with two new test chambers designed and built to accommodate maximum filter sizes of 72” x 24” x 12” and 48” x 48” x 12”. Designed and engineered by APC, they perform filter leak testing and fractional efficiency filter testing to American (IEST), European (EN) and ISO test standards. ISO 29463-1:2017 test standards are in the final review stages before global filter industry implementation. ISO 29463-1:2017

Fort McMurray Wildfire
In response to this historic and devastating wildfire, APC designed HEPA and Carbon filters for roof-mounted cabin air systems used in firefighting tractors. Fire fighting vehicles have strict requirements that need to be adhered to. They must be robust enough to filter out all harmful pollutants and dangerous odors to protect operators while fighting wildfires.

APC Responds to Hurricane Patricia
Hurricane Patricia became the strongest hurricane on record on Oct. 23, 2015. APC responded quickly to manufactures of disaster recovery equipment requiring HEPA filters for air scrubbers, fire/smoke remediation and air purification equipment.

ULPA Filters – Chemical & Biological Shelters
Within our world there are places where homeland security consists of public and private shelters for the protection of its citizens against bomb, chemical and biological fallout. These fallout shelters come complete with modern safe room filtration technology that allows for safeguarding against chemical and biological agents. APC Filtration Inc., was commissioned by a global manufacturer to design, manufacturer and test HEPA and ULPA filters for a series of chemical and biological shelters. These custom filters needed to capture and filter out various gases and particle sizes while doing so in a variety of temperature and humidity environments.

Bringing back Manufacturing to North America
APC is focused on several growth initiatives to sustain efficient manufacturing and production. This includes, transferring production from APC China to APC Canada, automation and installation of robotic filter assembly operations and expanding filter testing and manufacturing capabilities.